dual and triple channel video
rainforests and the timeless metaphors
of dreams
conceptualised in 2005
handcrafted in 2009
created in 2013
Artist’s Studio Prototype © Manav Gupta 1996 – 2023
The Dual Channel video installations were created by the artist as a completely immersive experience. Recreating his childhood dreams of walking through a rainforest, he wanted to offer the viewer the experience of a mystical magical walk through on the museum floor, lit up in reflection with his rainforest paintings.
The juxtaposition of two paintings was chosen carefully to blend a feeling of space, perspective and distance on one side that led the viewer to imagine a path that covered space far beyond.
In contrast the adjacent painting of viewing the rainforest through the glass panes of a window: where you could almost step in, outside, from the interiors into the whispering leaves- rain drenched with dewdrops of rain.
Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa, 2013
One-minute films and thirty second films.
Gupta deployed his paintings, poetry, music and voice over to conceptualise and create one minute and thirty second films for television on climate change, sustainable development, ecosystems and alternate energy.
Public service messages on environment. Commissioned by the Ministry of Environment & Forests, Government of India in 2005.
Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa, 2013
Ditsong National Museum of Natural History, Pretoria, South Africa, 2013